Free Criminal Defense Consultation

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Sacramento Criminal Defense Better Business Bureau


In California, criminal offenses that are committed by children under the age of 18 are handled in the juvenile court system. Certain, more serious offenses can allow the district attorney to charge children under the age of 18 as adults in the adult criminal system. Juvenile court operates differently than adult court does, and therefore requires a defense attorney experienced specifically in representing juvenile crimes cases.

At Criminal Defense Attorneys of Sacramento, we are here to help if your child has been detained for or accused of a juvenile crime. We represent clients throughout California, and we offer a free case evaluation where you can discuss your case.

Juvenile crimes may include those offenses which are only illegal because of the offender’s age (underage drinking, curfew violations, etc.), as well as criminal offenses that are illegal no matter the offender’s age.

Protecting Your Child’s Future

Having a criminal record can hold your child back in life. Juvenile Criminal Records can be expunged if the proper process is followed. Getting a Juvenile record expunged can hide their criminal record and give them a chance to start their adult life on the right track. Contact Criminal Defense Attorneys of Sacramento and get the process started today.


If you have been charged with a crime, contact Criminal Defense Attorneys of Sacramento today!
(916) 444-2960