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If our Domestic Violence Attorneys are contacted immediately, we can sometimes prevent the filing of a domestic violence case by the district attorney in Sacramento County, and avoid the problems and embarrassment of a court appearance, conviction and subsequent consequences. Our Sacramento Domestic Violence Attorneys will work diligently to obtain optimum results by navigating your way through the perils and pitfalls inherent in your case. Call us to set up your free and confidential consultation.

There are over 700,000 domestic violence cases annually reported to law enforcement agencies in the United States. There have been many recent changes in Domestic Violence laws, creating more serious consequences for individuals charged with these offenses.

Domestic Violence Charges Misconceptions

It’s a common misconception that if the alleged victim in a domestic violence or spousal abuse case asks that the charges be dropped, that the case will be dismissed. A domestic violence case will only be dismissed with investigation, preparation and a lot of hard work. It takes a skilled and dedicated Domestic Violence Attorney to make this happen.

Domestic Violence charges can come from any of the following:

» Assault
» Battery
» Assault with a deadly weapon
» Spousal abuse
» Abuse of cohabitant
» Abuse in a dating relationship
» Abuse in a former dating relationship
» Criminal threats
» Child abuse / Child endangerment
» Elder abuse
» Stalking
» Annoying phone calls (harassing phone calls)
» Restraining order violations
» False imprisonment
» Damage to a wireless device
» Damage to a utility line
» Dissuading a witness
» Kidnapping

If you have been charged with a crime, contact Criminal Defense Attorneys of Sacramento today!
(916) 444-2960